I'm a Southern girl, currently living in sunny San Diego. I'm a Speech Language Pathologist, in retirement to stay home with Gray, my little one. I'm quickly approaching 30 and I think I'm OK with it. I'm totally wrapped around my little boy's finger. I'm proud of my husband and hero, who also happens to be a US Marine and Naval Aviator. I'm lucky enough to be married to my best friend, be "Mommy" to a wild and crazy little boy, and have an amazing circle of family and friends in tons of zip codes.
I enjoy whipping up fantastic creations on my sewing machine and taking millions of photos. I'm sarcastic, left handed, a procrastinator, a loyal friend, (a little) Obsessive Compulsive, generally optimistic, a terrible liar, very chatty, and a night owl. I'm a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and believer in one Almighty God. I love a good book, sweet tea, fresh flowers, dogs, kids, 4-wheelers, antique jewelry, the 80s, text messages, finding good/healthy dishes for the family to share, shopping, boiled crawfish, organization, peacock feathers, kisses from my boys, completed projects, traveling, sapphires, getting packages in the mail, Amazon.com, t-shirts, and flip flops. I don't listen to voicemails and I don't really like surprises. I'm blessed beyond what I deserve.
Let me introduce you to my boys...
Josh |
Gray |
Fletch |
I hope you enjoy our blog!