Gray celebrated his 4 month birthday in the middle of our move. We had NO furniture, but Gray didn't mind. It is amazing how much our sweet little boy has changed over the last few months. He is constantly smiling or giggling. It melts my heart when his eyes shine and a big giggle comes out after he flashes me a big toothless grin. He has been labeled a "flirt" by no less than 5 different women (mostly strangers) after he turns on the charm. I am beyond grateful that he is sleeping through the night (and has been since he was 6 weeks old). Gray now reaches for things and he has discovered his feet. He started rolling over at about 3 months, and he is talking all of the time. Sometimes when he talks it turns into a laugh, then a scream. It is just so darn cute. I really need to video tape him...
These pictures are of Gray at 3 months. I promise to post more when I have a few minutes to sit down (still unpacking boxes and putting up things). I have been in the middle of posting this entry for more than a week if that gives you any idea about how busy we are keeping ourselves!
LOVE the laughing picture on this post!! So precious!!!