We celebrated Easter all weekend long here in San Diego. HMH-462 had an Easter party at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Saturday afternoon, with volleyball, egg hunting, paint ball, food, kayaks, and a bouncy house. Josh and I took Gray out in the canoe for a few minutes, but he figured out the paddles long before we got in the water. He thought the canoe was fantastic.
Dry canoeing. |
Bouncy house fun. |
He loved the egg hunt too but all the big kids were too fast for him, so he only got 5 eggs. Shouldn't the little kids get a head start?
Egg hunt with Dada. |
I would have loved share the reason we celebrate Easter with Gray this year, but it's still a little soon. I'm really excited about being able to talk to him about things like Easter and Christmas in the next year as he gets a little older and his conversation skills start to improve!
Gray woke up Sunday morning and had to check out what the Easter bunny brought him. He thinks the train set he got is amazing and he enjoyed Megamind as well. He didn't get very much candy, but he has easily finished over half of it. If you want Gray to love you, give him something sweet.
Checking out what the Easter bunny put in his basket. |
Gray loved the trains the bunny brought. |
I dyed eggs Saturday night and Gray helped "decorate" them Sunday morning. He put a few stickers on them, but he quickly learned that eggs will break if you smash them. Or poke them with little fingers. Apparently he likes eggs though, so there is the silver lining.
Gray's "decorating." |
Since the egg hunt at the squadron party was less than fantastic (and lasted all of 1 minute) we decided to hide eggs at the house too. Gray had 25+ eggs to find all by himself! He was less than thrilled with the tie I got him, but I forced him to wear it a little while because I thought it was so stinking cute.
Typical. Me trying to get a shot,
and Gray running the other direction. |
Found a few eggs. |
And a few more. |
Representative of how Gray felt about the tie, not his Dada. |
We squeezed in a Padres' game in the afternoon with some of the guys from HMH-462. Gray was shockingly good for most of the game, but the Padres' lost. It wasn't the best game we have been to, but it was fun. Gray loves to clap when the crowd claps, even if it's for the wrong team. He also loves all the music they play, because dancing is one of his favorite pastimes. I'm not trying to rush time or anything, but I can't wait to take him when he actually enjoys baseball!
Overall Easter was great. I think the only thing that could have improved it would have been Gray hunting Easter eggs with his cousins and spending time with family. I hope your Easter was fantastic and that you got to spend the day with the people you love!
Happy Easter! Gray's little tie outfit is too sweet. =)