This was our second trip to the SD Fair since we have lived in San Diego. Josh was working last year, so he missed out. This year he had a random day off, so he was able to go with us for a few hours.
The fair is HUGE and kind of expensive, but Gray loves it. From Superman as we were waking in the door, to the pig races, turkeys, rabbits, huge pigs, cows, super healthy food (like fried Klondike bars), games, flower decoration/specimens and art winners, space exhibits, and tons of fun rides, Gray was in heaven.
Gray just loved this pig and kept laughing at him! |
First roller coaster! |
Gray had so much fun, and he talked about the fair forever. I love that Gray is able to do more things as he gets older. I think each year will be a little more fun because he will be able to ride more things as he gets taller. Anyway, if you are ever in town the fair is fantastic and they always have live bands and tons of random foods deep fried, so it's worth the trip!