
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Glass Blowing

A group of chicks from the squadron got a Groupon for a glass blowing class several months back. We had so much fun the first time we went, a friend and I had to go back. Since Casey and I had already been once, they let us make a vase on this trip (which is an upgrade from the glass we made the first time). Josh didn't think we actually did anything and the instructor did most of the work, which is totally not the case. Naturally he is standing there and will take over if you are about to destroy the glass. In our case the top of the vase was something we haven't done, so he took over for the very end to flare out the ends. I'm glad he took over at that point though because I wouldn't have known what to do and it would have been destroyed for sure. I'd really love to go again, wonder if Josh would be willing to try it. 
There was a random guy in our 'class', so here is a shot of him making his glass. 
Casey's creation before it really started to take shape.  
This is the hottest part of the process! 

Casey opening up the vase. 
My finished product! 
These are cell photos, so they aren't the greatest but you get the idea. If you have the chance to do this, I highly recommend it! We had tons of fun! 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Photobooth Fun

I got a new computer recently, which is great because of all the fun new things I can do on it besides my old one was SOOO slow! We were waiting on a Skype date with Josh one afternoon and Gray and I tried out Photobooth. It was great, mostly because Gray was hilarious while I was switching the effects. Some were much cuter than others, but they were all strange! 
The least attractive... Frog face.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Halloween in San Diego is considerably different than it would be at home in Louisiana. For starters, there would be no awesome Hangar 4 Trick-or-Treating! More importantly, there isn't any family close enough for Gray to swing by their homes to trick-or-treat. :( 

Gray was Lightening McQueen this year. He didn't seem to notice that McQueen is a race car and he was dressed like a race car driver, so I didn't mention that detail. He loved this costume and luckily he was able to wear it and celebrate in several festivities before Halloween. 

The squadron did a couple of things for the kids. Gray always loves the hangar party, because you get to see Marines (Daddy was there last year) AND helicopters PLUS get candy!! We also attended an event at the movie theater on base and watched a short Shriek film and got a few more goodies! 

We also drove north about 20 minutes to a really awesome pumpkin patch. He was able to ride a pony, pick out a pumpkin, and go on a hay ride! Several of Gray's pals met us up there, so all the kids loved the trip. The farm has a small store with a bunch of toys, decoration, dried fruits, and candy, so I picked up some goodies for Josh while we were there. Apparently the chocolate covered gummy bears were sinful. I hope you had a Happy Halloween!