
Friday, March 30, 2012

Soccer Mom!

Gray had his first official soccer practice this week, and he was pretty thrilled.... For the first 30 minutes. 

I should begin by saying that it is practically impossible to find toddler soccer gear. His socks are for a 10 year old, so I'm checking Amazon for something smaller. The Exchange happened to have some awesome Adidas outfits and the tiniest shin guards ever (which are so flipping cute BTW!). He was outfitted and ready for his first practice, then he decided he did not want to go. I mentioned that his girlfriend was going to be there and all of the sudden he wanted to try it out.

He loved it and was doing really well (for a 3 year old) for about half of the practice. I think he was getting tired because he sat down and wouldn't participate anymore. He is the funniest grumpy kid you have ever seen with his furled brows. 

Daddy got to leave work a little early (5pm) to see Gray's first practice! 

This is Gray refusing to participate. 
This soccer program is another great way the USMC is doing great things for families of Marines. Everything is done through the base and it's very inexpensive to enroll your child. The coach is a Marine, the practices are on base, etc. I'm not sure if this happens in every branch, or at every base, but I plan to sign Gray up for as many sports he in interested in trying while we are here and have the opportunity! 

And before you ask, I'm not getting a mini-van. 

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